Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My List of 2011

It's taken me three days to absorb the idea that we are in a new year. Life has continued in it's busyness, and although we celebrated thoroughly, I woke up this morning, three days late, ready to start afresh, and look at my future with a new plan.

When I was younger I used to keep a diary. I've looked back on them recently and laughed at all the "important" things in my life at the time. Dreamy boys mostly. LOL. Times have changed, certainly, but the one thing I always did on New Year's Eve, and on each birthday, was recount the special things I had gone through leading up to that date.

Many blogs I have been following list the crafts they've done, or the posts with the most "hits". Fun, certainly, but lacking substance in my opinion. Even in my teenage lists, it was friendships, accomplishments in my education, and places I'd travelled that were most memorable. As well as the significant moments in my family's life.

I won't bore you with my list, as I'm sure most people will actually click to the next blog to look at the furniture that's been weathered, or the best handmade cards made in 2011. Just know that on my personal list, you'd see things like my children's accomplishments, family losses, and personal goals achieved.

Of course, perhaps in my next post I will list 'The Best Coffee I Drank' or 'Things the Dog Ate' in 2011. That would definitely bring on the post "hits"!

1 comment:

LesTravels said...

Very much spot on Erin. Those assessments are deeply personal in any event. I like the idea of making a personal list at my birthday time of the things that have brought me to that date.
Looking forward to the " Nutters" of 2012!

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