Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Peanut-Free Blog

So today I thought I'd google "peanut-free blogs". Whoa, it was crazy! Blogs filled with outrage, desperation, and an infinite number of people looking for any possible allergy solutions. Most sites were mom-related, while I was looking for any adult allergy sufferers. The only blog that really got my attention was a guy, The Militant Ginger, looking to stir things up. The amount of comments that were flying! It was fiery! Check it out and be horrified! lol

Among the mom-related blogs, I found a few useful ones that I may look back on. Here are a few:

Some advertise peanut-free products (mostly from the states), and other sites are great just to read the comments from others.

My entire life I have tried my best to pretend I don't have an allergy, much to the chagrin of my mother, and as of today really never had the desire to look around at helpful information. There are a lot of scared moms and dads out there, let me tell you!

I tend to look back on everything with humour, again much to the chagrin of my mother, so I have a feeling most allergy moms would balk at what I have to say in my allergy posts. Perhaps a warning label is needed? For the not-so-sensitive allergy sufferer? Peanut-Free with Bite?

I guess I'll just say that if any of these moms happen upon my blog, I hope someday, like me and my family, your son/daughter's peanut allergy will no longer consume and overtake your life as it does now. There is rest in your future, or at least a fair amount :)

1 comment:

LesTravels said...

I guess it will never be funny if you are on the mother (or quasi mother) side of the equation.
However the best thing about your peanut BLOG articles(e.g.NYC) is that you have found ways to keep from letting your allergy rule your life.

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