Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's in Your Nightstand?

Last night when I went to bed, I found myself on the floor, looking in, underneath, and around my night stand for a pen. I couldn't find the sudoku puzzle book (that I complete from back to front, by the way), or a pen. These are the things I found instead:

- several unfinished Bible studies (gasp!),
- workout shorts I thought I'd lost (and never look for),
- novels my mother gave me (and I said I'd read),
- hair elastics, lip balm, candle snuffer (but no candles),
- Polysporin, buttons, bookmarks, and Fisherman's Friends,
- and one large flashlight to use all of this in the dark.

Missing: one sudoku puzzle book, pens, and the electric fireplace remote.

Someone once told me you can tell a lot from someone's junk drawer. But what about a night stand/side table?

For me it is a special place, often forgotten, which greets me during the night when I can't sleep. It supplies little cures for bad hair days, small cuts on Little Miss, and a hiding place for the unfinished. At times, it holds Mother's Day cards, candies, and other treasures from my children. Other times; a dirty sock, snotty kleenexes, and strong cold medicine.

So let's confess: where is your place to stash things? What is hidden in your night stand?

1 comment:

Terri said...

Love it! My nightstand story is very similar to yours. I thought I was alone!

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