My two children are almost direct opposites. One is bold, out-going, excitable, and on the straight and narrow, dragging everyone along behind her. The other is quiet, shy, sweet yet sneaky, and definitely a follower.
So as halloween approached you can guess one was counting down the days, and the other was ignoring it.
"I'll just hand out candy with mom," my son says, and ignores any costume ideas his sister threw at him.
"I want to go as a, a princess!" Little Miss exclaims, and imagines the haul of candy she would get. "No worries," she looks at her brother,"I'll get enough candy for both of us!"
But, come halloween night, amidst creating jack-o-lanterns, and hanging up hockey-tape-spider-webs on the front porch, my son decides maybe he does need to go out after all.
"I want to be a chain-wielding-ghost like on Scooby-Doo!" he says. And Mr. Man rises to the rescue, toolbox in hand, takes the chains off the back of our camping trailer, and finds an appropriate bed sheet for over our boy's head.
They race out the door to join the rest of the kids, and about three houses down, after tripping on his sheet, bumping into a few people (literally), my little ghost comes home, tired, yet contented with his small bag of treats.
The rest of the evening, he hands out candy with his mom while Little Miss greets the neighbourhood and charms them into giving her extra loot.
Magically, it was as they'd planned all along. I just hope Mr. remembers to put the chains back on the trailer before summer comes.
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