I am a mind-wanderer. During random moments of my day, my mind goes off in a funny direction. If you ask me what I was thinking about, it would take a wild tale as to how I got to the topic on the tip of brain.
For example: I am driving into our village, and all of a sudden I think, "isn't it nice to live in a small town where you only have to memorize the last four digits of your phone number?"
I go upstairs three times before I remember what I went up there for in the first place. And I can't blame anyone for distracting me because I am usually home alone.
I saw a female comedian once who said when she hit her forties she "lost her nouns". "I'm looking for the ____. I can't find my _____." The word was there at the tip of her tongue but she could never find it. I am not even in my forties and I'm having similar symptoms.
There was one Christmas my sister and I went shopping for Mr. Man. There was this CD that he really wanted so we went into a big electronics store and spoke to a salesperson.
"Can I help you?" the sales guy nicely asked.
"Yes. I need to find a CD for my husband. I can't remember the guy's name, but he's a country singer, and he sings a song on the movie CARS. [Our son was big into Lightning McQueen that year.]"
"Hmmm." He looks at me, then at my sister, and then at me again.
"His name has the long 'a' sound, like James, or Clayton. Oh, and the song he likes has a short name, kind of odd. A thing."
"The Tick?" he guesses.
"Erm, maybe," I say. But it does sound familiar...
"Brad Paisley. The Tick." he says, assuredly, "I have the same CD. We don't have the song from the CARS movie, though."
"Oh, that's all right, this CD must be the right one." I grab it, thank him, and look at my sister.
I shrug my shoulders. I must not sound that stupid after all!
My sister, during this whole conversation, rolled her eyes twice, sighed, and opened her mouth in disbelief as he correctly guessed what I was asking for. Now, she was rolling her eyes again.
Mr. loved his gift, and was considerably impressed with me.
I don't know if they work on commission in the electronics store, but that salesman should get a big bonus! I have a mental picture of him picking my head up off the floor and screwing it back on for me. And then handing me my CD, of course.
So, anybody out there have their head on straight?
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