You may have wondered what the meaning is behind the title of this blog. Two things:
1. The words "cracked" and "nutter" are commonly associated with how I feel most mornings after a terrible night sleep; and
2. This blog was originally supposed to be about my peanut allergy, and therefore crackerjacks, and food with nuts in them are generally off limits.
Actually I have never had Crackerjacks in my life. And, as I was sitting in church this morning, trying hard to listen to the sermon, (on taking risks...see I was listening!) I was also mentally making a list of some of the foods I have never eaten.
1. Crackerjacks
2. Turtles
3. Oh Henry bar
4. Sushi (that's just because I think it would be gross)
5. Anything sweet from a United Church potluck (and actually, after trying their flakes of ham triangle sandwiches, I don't eat ANYTHING.)
6. Squares of any kind, not even if my mother-in-law made them and is about to cry.
Oh, the list goes on, but really, there are things I do eat that other peanut allergy sufferers do not:
1. Tim Horton's (there's a higher probability of someone else dying if I don't get my Timmy's fix)
2. Ice cream (again, it has to do with that "fix") but only out of a box, not at a parlour where they scoop it out themselves - that's dangerous. I like to live in ignorance of what goes on at the plant, but what I see with my own eyes, that's different. It doesn't matter if you rinse the scoop, it's still contaminated.
3. Rachel's Tarts (the ones with the raisins) in Trenton, Ontario. Some things are worth the risk.
Anyway, on that note, someday soon I will list: "Things not to say to a peanut allergy sufferer." It'll be great.
1 comment:
Hello! Looks like I will have some reading to do over the summer! :)
Thanks for sharing on your Blog and I look forward to reading your thoughts. :)
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