Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Discovery

My little man came home from his grade two class with his first Math puzzle.  You know the one where each answer matches up to a letter, and once complete, it spells something?  It usually takes him a couple of nights to finish a homework page, so seeing as tonight was the second night, he'd gotten pretty far.  Suddenly he looks up at me, his eyes open wide, and yells really loud, "THIS SPELLS SOMETHING!!" I tried to hide my laughter as he was just SO THRILLED with his discovery...oh, the sweet taste of naiveté.

When was the last time as adults that we discovered something simple that knocked our socks off?  Pinterest?  A new latte flavour?  The perfect novel?  Please, let's share.

1 comment:

The Muser said...

That having an accountability partner can actually work!

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