This morning after the church service, an older couple wanted to ask our children if Santa had come. They quietly questioned me beforehand on whether Santa was taboo in our house. Many parents in our church do not focus on Santa, as Jesus is, of course, the real reason for the season.
At our house, we love the Santa game, but the celebration of Jesus' birthday, and subsequently, the power of God, is even more real. Little Miss has it all figured out:
She rips open her stocking. With a sharp intake of breath, she cried out, "I got what I wanted!" and held up a small toy. "God must've told Santa! He must know him!"
"Oh, yeah." I said, "God knows everybody. How do you think he told him? A burning bush? An angel?"
"An angel," her older brother said, and looked down, focusing on his toys again.
But Little Miss exclaimed, "He knows his number!" and made the telephone hand gesture against her face.
So Little Miss knows who to ask for things, whether a small toy or big need. He will always provide, and will use any means necessary....even Santa!
Be blessed this Christmas - I know we are!