To me, it has been a tough year. Mr. Man doesn't think so. He shrugs his shoulders in his, "it's no sweat" manner and goes back to fixing the world. But of course, that's the difference between guys and girls. Stress and drama rolls off his back but pools around in my head for a lot longer.
Alas, since I can't change 2013, I will look straight ahead, stroll forward and anticipate good things to come.
Good Things:
2014 will be my last year in my thirties. Well, I will have four more months in 2015, but I age quickly... so let's make a bucket list shall we?
Things I would like to do in 2014:
- Publish something. A magazine article, perhaps, or an ebook? Heck, it could be a bookmark for all I care, but let's get it in print.
- Lose 20 pounds. Who are we kidding - 5 pounds. Or at least stick to my present regime. Yes, let's just stick to it. There are no calorie-free cakes and icing shots on this train after all.
- Put on my play pants and play. Snow angels, snow men, pillow fights (let me take off my glasses first), or the Wii (we've had it two years and I've never played - apparently my score is high, though, as Little Miss feels sorry for my Wii character and plays her once in a while)
- I want to write "swim in a deep lake" or "jump off a boat" but, again, who are we kidding. This is not a list of how to commit suicide. I just don't think that is going to happen.
- Get rid of the dark circles under my eyes. I hear drinking helps, or steeped tea bags...or drinking steeped tea bags? I want to be bright-eyed and refreshed as I bound into my forties and get the circles back.
- Have a Marvel Movie-athon. Twice. I am Ironman.
- Learn two more hobbies, like cooking and ironing. 'Cause really, that is not happening here on a regular basis.
- Take a course/lesson in something. Anything. But not Crossfit. Again, this is not a list of how to commit suicide.
- Write more Little Miss/Mr. Man stories. Really, that would make everyone's year better, wouldn't it!
- Be available to others: my kids, my husband, my friends: and not care about my state of affairs (aka laundry all over the house) when drama hits and I am needed. But, hey, I do that already ;)
So, as you look toward 2014, are you ready to jump on that train, or are you still basking in the joys of 2013? I sincerely hope you have a thousand good memories that outweigh the bad, and I wish you God's utmost blessings in the new year!

and her Crackerjack Family
As always, Erin, Brilliant!
Many thanks! [bowing]
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