Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Re-Upholstered Chair: Part 2

Let it be said that I, procrastinator extraordinaire, have finished something.  That's right.  I've finished my grandparent's arm chair.  For history on the chair check out part 1 here.

It went from this: (a broken seat, stained material and loads of special memories...) THIS (shiny, gold and beige stripes, comfortable, sit-able and elegant)!  Now to put it somewhere safe.

It really didn't take any sewing once I bought the right tools. And since the material was only $40, and the tools were under $10, it was a steal. Interested in doing this yourself?  I followed everything on this site here.

My mother-in-law, the all-knowing seamstress, told me I did not have to do the piping, so of course I did not.  I'm lazy. I also did not put on the skirting since it looked good without it.  If I had waited to do it, the chair might not ever have been finished.

If you know me well enough, you know I've recently discovered that patterns are a trigger for my epilepsy.  This, of course, was discovered AFTER I bought the striped material, and I had to pause a few times while covering the difficult pieces while my brains unscrambled. But I was determined to get this done.  Mr. just shook his head while I went back at it.  "Your mother's crazy," he mentions to my son. Umm, perhaps.

I am really happy with how it turned out, and now I can say I've re-upholstered something. Can't say I'll jump into this type of project again (especially with vertical stripes), but at least Mr. Man won't be throwing out my chair any time soon.  Or be sitting in it.

What have you been working on?


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