Monday, September 24, 2012

A Conversation Between Two Excitable Gingers

Today I received a call from Little Miss's principal informing me my girl would be moving to a different class, in a different building.


Apparently, there are too many grade one's in the present building, and a handful need to be moved into the junior school's split grade 1/2 class.

And because Little Miss is SO independent, SO self-confident, and SO outgoing, her teacher has elected her to be one of the few.  In the back of my mind, though, I wonder if it is with a cheerful heart that her teacher pushes her off onto another.  We all know Little Miss can be a handful.

"I'm assuming I do not have any choice in the matter?"  I ask.

"Um, no," the principal says, "but her teacher says she is so independent, so self-confident and so..."

"Oh, yes, I have no doubt she can handle it."  I'm more worried about someone else, I think.

Later, after explaining to Little Miss what was going to happen (and to her big brother who would be seeing her in the school yard), we talked about how we would break it to Mr. Man.  A plan was made.  After a few pointers, Little Miss decided she wanted to tell him herself.  We went over the important parts: how it was all going to be fine, and that her big brother would be there to help her around the big grade fours and fives.

Here's how it went down:

Mr. Man arrives in suit and tie.  Little Miss, in her curly, red ponytails, guides him over the club chairs and asks him to sit down.

"Daddy, come sit here.  I have to tell you something and I don't want you to get upset."

"Yes?" He is amused but at the same time I can tell he is trying to guess what this is about.  I sit in the corner of the room on the steps behind them.  He looks back at me and I grin.

"Daddy, I am moving to the junior school," she says certainly, her hands in front of her, moving in her signature chopping motion. "There are too many grade ones and three kids are moving to the junior school and I've been picked as number three."

"Well, what grade will you be in?" he asks.

"ONE, dad.  Everything's the same." She's getting worked up.  Her calm voice has been forgotten.

"Did you get picked because you were bad?" There's a smile behind his eyes.

"NO, I TOLD YOU!  There are too many grade ones, and my teacher says I am brave!" She exclaims, arms up.

"Oh, because of the big kids." He's uncertain again.

"Yes, and [my brother] will be there to save my life!"  Um, maybe not the best choice of words...

"And when does this happen?" he asks.

"Tomorrow." Again with the chopping motion, "I start the day in the primary school and then they take me for a tour at the junior school, and then that's it!"  She is definitely excited.

Mr. asks me a few worried questions, rubs the top of his head, and then wanders upstairs for awhile.  I think he'll be okay.  It's hard having a daughter who knows everything.

We'll just have to wait and see how this next adventure pans out.


And for a taste of what Little Miss does when I'm not on my mac...

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