Friday, March 30, 2012

"Rools," by Little Miss

[Read with one hand on her hip and the other hand chopping the air with every word.]

1.  Everything has to be fair:  if he gets 3 cookies, then I get 3 cookies.  If he doesn't need a bath, then I do not need a bath.  If you're going to carry his backpack, then you have to carry mine, too.

2.  If I cry really hard, and hiccup a lot, I should get what I want.  Especially with daddy.

3.  No teasing me, no embarrassing me, no lecturing me, no bossing me, no correcting me, no complimenting me, no looking at me....

4.  Definitions:
'later' means 'now';
'next day' means 'anytime in the future';
'last day' means 'anytime in the past';
'the thing around the thing' means...well, it's your fault you do   not understand me!

5.  You must drop everything to listen to what I have to say, even if I say obscure definitions like  'the thing with the thing that's big, and, you use it for the thing', and even if I say it three times.

6.  What you are doing is not as important as what I need you to do.

7.  I may be 5 1/2, but in my mind I am 36, and must be treated as such.

8.  Any colours go with pink.

9.  Hair does not need to be brushed.  If I wet it down, that is enough.

10. I know where everything is, what the answer to everything is, and who's responsible for every mess, even if I only just woke up.

And that's a wrap!  Have a great week!


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