So we've decided to shut off our cable. At least, we want the cable turned off, but the company's not going to do it for another three weeks. Luckily, my kids believe everything I say, and they have not been watching the TV. So this is what has been going on around here:
1. The kids made a brilliant treasure map for Little Miss's lost yoghurt cup. (In the door, past the couch, over to computer, then to the piano...)
2. Mr. Man built a large sandbox in the backyard. It still needs sand, though...
3. Mr. Man is presently building himself a Mr. Man workshop in the basement. Extra tall.
4. I've dusted off some old CD's. Other than that, my behaviour is just the same :)
5. The TV/DVD player is being used as a CD player.
6. We now have play-dough, magic markers, hot wheels cars, and wooden blocks all over the living room floor, which had been put away for more room to watch TV.
7. We made muffins, and ate them. All of them.
8. I no longer hear the whine, "oh, can't it wait until this is over..." when I ask anyone to do something. Things are finally getting done.
9. Little Miss turned a delivery box into an airplane with hot pink ribbons out the back. Then she turned it into a bird. Then back into a box. Then her brother tied up her Barbies with the hot pink ribbon.
10. We still watch movies as much as we want (we're not crazy), but I was tired of having to quickly turn the channel as an inappropriate commercial came on for perfume, or underwear, or other things that seemed to need sex to sell it.
"Why is she taking her clothes off?"
How many more times can I say,"she must've been hot," before they catch on?
"Mommy, he said a bad word. O, he said another one..."
It doesn't help when the word "underwear" is considered impolite in my daughter's' world.
We actually only got cable when our son arrived, so we had something to watch while I was breastfeeding, but the kids are at that age now where they are absorbing EVERYTHING and it is time to turn it off.
So how do we spend this cable money? We could pay off some debt, save for another trip, put it away for an emergency fund. There's always the kids' education funds...
And then it came to me. "I know! More internet!!"
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