It is mid-morning, the kids are at their grandparent's place, I will be heading out to 'the office job', and amidst the quiet the turtle tank filter is swishing away, taunting my bladder.
It is rare that the house is so still. Even hear the hum of the refrigerator can be heard from the next room. Is it supposed to be that loud? I have never noticed before. There is nothing in it anyway, short of freezer-burned shrimp I bought when Little Miss was studying Newfoundland last year.
I am attempting to deep clean the house while the kids are away. I read recently in a self-help site (as they are SO helpful) that if you pile all the clutter on the bed (or in the middle of the room, as I have done) then it is easier to deep clean around it.
But what to do with this pile? I can't remember that part of the article. Will I be too tired to go through it at the end of all of this - or will I turn it into a useful pile, throwing a blue sheet over it and calling it a coffee table?
Is this how hoarders get started. Perhaps they pile things on the bed in an attempt to clean things up, get tired, and then simply push it to one side of the bed in order to sleep. Of course, Mr. Man would then be replaced by a mound of mismatched socks, books on Chaucer and Mary Poppins, and endless recharging cords. Needless to say, Mr. keeps me from becoming a hoarder. Chaucer does not keep my feet warm.
And here's the rub: after all of this pondering it is now time to leave for work. Such is my life - I read and research how to do something, and then never do it. Mr. says he is the 'doer'. Perhaps I will toss the pile into the mudroom...