Sometimes the number one battle with Little Miss on school mornings is brushing her hair. With her dark red curls, a few tangles and two fiery tempers, we battle the brush.
Today it was lime green tights. I mean really lime green. And a hot pink corduroy skirt, and a long sleeve-purple shirt with green and pink polk-a-dots. Good grief.
Mom told me once never to reason with this child, as I will never win. Little Miss is not only stubborn, but smart as well. Even Mr. Man has been caught without a retort at times.
"You may have too many colours going on might want to change those tights," I said.
"No, I like them. There so cosy."
"Well, the purple ones would be cosy too, and match your shirt."
And in a huff she went back to her room.
A few moments later I hear, "look, mom!" and there she is in all her glory: lime-green tights, hot pink corduroy skirt, and a long white t-shirt with a red sweater.
You've got to be kidding me.
"Now you have FOUR colours!" and an argument ensued. She stormed back to her room and I went downstairs.
A few moments later, she called me from the top of the stairs, dressed in the same four colours, a smile on her face, asking if she can wear this tie-dyed red and white headband.
An explosion went off in my head and she ran into her room, stripped off all of her clothes, stood there stubbornly (freezing) and wept.
At this point I realized Mr. Man was hiding in the bathroom.
Finally, I got her to put on purple tights, the hot pink corduroy skirt and the purple top with green and pink polk-a-dots. My original plan. No lime green tights.
She slipped out the front door as her brother and I ran and got our coats.
As soon as I got outside I saw the ridiculous headband on her head. "Well, at least I brushed my hair!" she exclaims.
Then I notice that the coat she chose was her down-filled vest. Her lime-green down-filled vest.
She would've matched after all... at least during recess.
And as we walked down the street to the school, Mr. Man drove by, honking the horn, big smile on his face.