The Search:
I need to get to an appointment the next day which is several kilometres away, so I take the opportunity to search through secondhand stores for dressers. I search and I search. I panic a bit. But I keep searching.
All I need is a decent dresser, and I can paint it if need be. That's what I was supposed to do in the first place. I find huge, ugly, heavy ones that would not fit into the van, and I find teeny tiny ones that wouldn't even hold all of his socks. A friend told me to look at some brand new ones, and the price tag was ridiculous.
The Confession:
The best way to confess, I've found is either while you have scissors in his hair, giving the scheduled haircut, or in this case, while texting him in Edmonton.
Him: I'm looking for a gift for you but I think it might be too expensive.
Me: Same here.
Him: What?
Me: I have a confession. I cut up your dresser and now I have to buy u a new one.
Him: Oh. Take back those 14 pillows you bought, and you can afford one. (I like pillows.)
Obviously he was having too good a time to really care about a dresser he hated in the first place. But he wasn't keen on me paying for a new one, either. Especially since he was spending so much on this trip out to Alberta.
The Find:
Finally, two days before he came home, my super niece (now 16-years-old, woot-woot!) and I lugged a 5' long ugly brown dresser out of the Salvation Army for $20. Samantha, who swears she will buy my book of crazy someday, kept shaking her head and saying, "I can't believe we just picked up a dresser".
Really, she shouldn't be surprised by now. She's been around me enough.
Here is "The Before":
The Fix:
So the kids and I got working, unscrewing the handles, setting up a painting station out in the mudroom, and by the time Mr. walked through the door early one morning, the paint was drying and he would soon have a dresser. Phew.
So here is "The After":
I primed and painted with spray cans (I am very impressed with how little it took), leaving it an antique white and then painted the handles a Tremclad brown which kept a nice sheen.
He likes it, (I know he misses the periwinkle sometimes), but it is keeping together well, and at least his socks fit into it. It sits nicely between our two bedroom windows, and my favourite painting by Mrs. Google sits above it. My first Sally-Ann refurnish!
So now...what to do with this?